About Us
This is an exciting time for our staff and students at John Kelley Elementary School. Our students are meeting the challenge of our state standards and we are all very proud of their accomplishments. Our students and staff adopted a school motto: “Blazers Believe in Power to Succeed!” This belief is apparent as everyone continues to work diligently to attain academic goals. Continuing our success will encompass targeting learning strategies to students with a specific focus on Writing, Math and ELD; continuing in our Response to Interventions (RTI); updating technology to address RTI; increasing community and parent involvement; and updating facilities to provide a safe environment for all.
We continue to have very active parents who serve on our School Site Council, English Language Advisory Council (ELAC), and Parent, Teacher Organization (PTO). These groups, staff and I will work towards welcoming parents and community members to assist teachers in helping students attain proficiency in English/Language Arts and Mathematics Standards. This year we are continuing the implementation of AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) in grades Three through Six and implementing Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) for all grades.
Teachers work regularly in Data Team Meetings and participate in Professional Development with a focus in Writing, Math and English Language Development (ELD). They analyze data, target student needs and discuss teaching modifications to meet their needs. Through this process, learning strategies for students are discussed and shared, along with teaching strategies.
We believe that our students are willing to learn and our staff and parents are willing to support the vision. The power of this belief is why John Kelley Blazers will continue to succeed.